Trip Reports

I’m going to sleep

‘I can’t believe how much it has affected me. I have never been so messed up before, but I just want to know how it went.’

‘I don’t know what happened last night, but I want to know what will happen next,’

‘I think I’ll find a way to stop this and have a peaceful day.’

‘I would like to stop this, but I know it’s not going to happen.’

‘I don’t know what the point of pain is, but this is my life. I feel like I’m in a dream, but it’s so easy to forget it.’

‘I think I’ll keep this for a little bit. I’m not sure if I’ll get to stop it, but I’m sure it will come back, but I’ve got to find a way to stop it.’

‘I’ll never do this again. I want to die.’

‘It feels like I’m going to die. I have to be real.’

‘I think I’m gonna go sober in about half an hour.’

‘I don’t know, but I’m just going to sleep. I just have to get up and go to sleep.’

‘I’ve got to go, I don’t know how to get to bed.’

‘I can’t get to bed.’

‘I can’t get to bed.’

‘I even have to go to the bathroom.’

‘I can’t get to bed.’

‘I can’t get to bed.’

‘I don’t know, but I’m going to sleep.’

‘I can’t sleep.’

‘I can’t sleep. I’m going to go to bed.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I’ve got to go.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I haven’t slept for a day. I don’t know if I’m going to sleep or I’m going to sleep.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I’ve got to go.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I’m going to sleep.’

‘I don’t know, but I’m gonna go’

‘I’ve got to go. I’m going to go.’

‘I’m going to go.’

‘I’m going to go.’

‘I’m going to go.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

‘I’m going.’

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