Trip Reports

That was about 4am

Here is my story of how I got busted by a federal judge in 2011.

I was going to go to rehab for an extreme temper tantrum and I had already been diagnosed with a condition called ‘stoned cognition’ which is a condition where all of the senses, hearing, and sight are amplified. I had been drinking and smoking pot for a long time and I was using them to get high from the weed. The reason for my problem was the pain in my ears and it was bothering me. I was getting a migraine and the doctors were telling me I was going to have to take meds to get me off of it.

I took a few tramadol and I was feeling fine, but I had to take there meds. I took my Vicodin and it was about 3am. I took my tramadol and I was feeling fine. That was about 4am. I decided to drive. I figured I would get better and I was going to get off the road so I can get home at 8am. I had a full bladder and I had a total of 8 pills left in my medicine cabinet. I took one and went home. I still had 10 pills left in the medicine cabinet. I was at home with my parents and my father, who is also a drug user. I took one pill and went to bed.

I laid down and told my dad I was feeling fine but I had a vision in my head where my dad said I was in a coma. I turned on the TV and I saw the clock. I was on the TV and I heard my father speaking to my dad and I thought I heard him say something. I had to get out of bed and I went to the bathroom. I sat in the toilet and the one of the doctors said ‘no’. I went back to bed.

I heard my dad say ‘do you have any other drugs in the house?’ So I sat down in the bathroom and I saw my dad wearing a black beanie. I looked at his hands and he said ‘yeah’. I look back and he said ‘what do you want to drink?’ I said ‘drunk’ and he said ‘yeah’. I said ‘what’s the worst pain in your face?’ So I went for a walk and I saw my dad’s black beanie. I looked back and he said ‘oh’. So I went for a walk and I saw my dad’s black beanie. I looked back and he said ‘oh’. I didn’t know my dad and I had no idea what was going on. I went to the bathroom and I saw my dad’s black beanie. I looked back and he said ‘oh’. I looked back and he said ‘oh’. I went back to bed.

I went back to bed feeling fine. I put the black beanie back on and I went to sleep.

When my dad woke up he said ‘oh’. I looked at my father and he said ‘oh’. I thought ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my father and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but I heard my dad say ‘oh’. I looked at my father and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but I heard my father say ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but I heard my dad saying ‘oh’. I looked at my father and my father said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked back and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my father and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but I heard my dad say ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but I heard my dad say ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my father said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’.

I went to the bathroom and I saw my dad’s black beanie. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I looked at my dad and he said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I tried to open the door but my dad said ‘oh’. I

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