Trip Reports

I had never had a trip that intense before

I was in a great mood to get ready for the upcoming one day mushroom trip. My friend and I had all eaten a bunch of mushrooms during the previous weeks and had been doing just about everything I could to get the most out of this trip. At the time I had not eaten any mushrooms, and I had taken the mushrooms three or four times before the trip. I had made a decision to try them in a different way. I had a friend who was also going to trip with me and he was a very experienced tripper. Before the trip I had read about the difference between datura and the Hawaiian style mushroom. I had felt nothing from the Hawaiian style mushroom though. I was nervous.

So she drove me to the swing section of the park. I was feeling very relaxed and ready for the trip. I was feeling a little nervous at first but then I understood exactly what I was in for. I told her about my experience with Datura and she said she was going to take me home. I became very excited. I knew I would not get stoned and I was going to experience the trip in a way that I could only describe as ‘simplistic’. I was very excited.

When I got to the swing section of the park I felt very relaxed. I was feeling very peaceful and happy. It was almost like an acid trip. I had never had a trip that intense before. I was very happy. I was also feeling very relaxed and I was aware of everything around me. I was feeling very very happy and I was also quite excited to trip. I was feeling very calm and relaxed. I got to the swing section and I was feeling very happy and the main thing that I wanted to be experiencing was my body. I was feeling very relaxed and happy.

I was also feeling very relaxed and a little bit nervous. The visuals were great. I got to the swing section and I was very excited. I was feeling very relaxed and I was very happy. I was feeling very relaxed and very happy.

I then went and sat down and watched the sunset. It was very beautiful. I was very happy and in a great mood to trip. I was feeling very relaxed and I was feeling very happy. I felt very happy to be here. I felt very happy to be here. I felt very happy to be at the right place. I felt very happy to be at the right time.

After the sunset I went back to my room and went to bed. I woke up feeling very relaxed and very relaxed. I felt very happy and very happy. I had a very pleasent and pleasent trip. I felt very happy. I felt very happy and very happy. I felt very happy to be at the right place.

I stayed on the internet for about a week to try Datura. I read a lot about its effects and it was very easy to use. I felt very relaxed and I was very happy. I was in a very happy and happy mood. I felt very relaxed and very happy. I was very pleased. I felt great.

I think it was a very fun trip. I think it was very fun. I felt very happy and happy.

I had just received a white flash of LSD from a friend who had used it to make a tea in a marijuana research lab. I was excited and excited. I had read about the potential of the LSD trip to be very intense and so I was very excited to try it. I thought that all of the reports I read about it were false. I had read about it being a ‘trapper’s trip’ or a ‘trip’ and so I felt that it was a very real possibility that this trip was going to be much more intense than I had anticipated.

I had done a lot of research on LSD before the trip. I had read on the internet that it was a ‘standard psychedelic’ or ‘tripper’s’ trip. I also heard that it was a ‘cannabis trip’ and so I assumed that it was. I decided to try it.

I had read about the potential of the LSD trip to be very intense. I had read about some other reports that LSD was very intense. I had read about it being a ‘trip’ and so I decided to try it.

I got the bottle of 20g of LSD from a friend of mine, who was visiting from out of town. We got to the front door and I took 20g of the LSD. I had read about it being a ‘trip’ and so I decided to take it.

I took the first hit. I was feeling very euphoric and I felt a lot more relaxed, and I felt like I was floating. I let the LSD take me and then I felt a great rush of energy that came over me.

After that I felt a great rush of energy, then I was feeling all of the energy in me, while all of

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