Trip Reports

The new substance I knew well

I had the opportunity to try a new substance that I had never heard of. I was very interested in this substance, as my experiences with it had been very positive. I had experimented with various drugs over the years and over the course of my life I had tried at various doses, but I had never had a negative experience with it.

Last night, I received the package in good hands. I opened the package and it was very pleasant to look at, as I was very excited. After a few minutes, I opened it and my friend and I set off to get it, and we are currently on our way. I have no plans to do this trip this weekend, but I am now excited about it. I decided to go ahead and do my first dose.

I took one 150mg dose, which I will call a low dose. I took a bit more than this because it was the middle of this trip, and I was nervous because I wanted to get the most out of it, but I was also very nervous because I wanted to be completely sober, so I took two doses, and had a very nice time.

This was my first trip on LSD, so I was anticipating this. I began to get a slight feeling of color, and I got on my friend’s computer and began playing my YouTube channel. I was feeling very euphoric, and I could feel myself coming down. I decided to go ahead and take another dose. I took another 150mg.

I took a bit more than this, and I began to feel a bit of euphoria. Then I started to feel like I was falling down a bit. I decided to go ahead and take another dose. I took a bit more than this, and I decided to take a big dose. I took a bit more than this, and I felt like I was going to crash. I decided to go ahead and take a big dose. I took a big dose. I went ahead and took a big dose. I took a bit more than this, and I decided to take a big dose. I took a bit more than this, and I decided to take a big dose. I took a bit more than this, and I decided to take a big dose.

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