Trip Reports

I was pretty excited about having a new experience

I had recently written about the safety of ecstasy. I’ve always been a fairly lightweight in my drug experiences. I have experimented with a few different drugs (as far as I can remember) but mainly cocaine and alcohol. I had used ecstasy for about a year prior to this experience. I’ve never had any problems with taking ecstasy this time. I had done it for over a year prior to this experience. I had started out with a few pills and later on I had started to snort some. I was pretty excited about having a new experience. I had done a few pills that day and on that day I had done a few more to go with the first pill. I had a few more pills that day and on that day I snorted another one and that was my first experience with ecstasy.

I kept doing it and it was a big mistake. I was starting to notice the effects as I was doing it. I started feeling kind of woozy, kind of relaxed and sort of sedated. I also noticed that my body was kind of feeling sort of light headed. I could feel the buzz in my body and not make any sense. I felt like I was drunk and I was drunk as far as I was concerned. I had a feeling like my consciousness was going to go somthing else. I also was starting to feel a weird feeling in my head. I would start to feel a cold feeling in my head sometimes. It felt like my brain was going to shut down. I felt like I was going to go crazy and I started to feel the effects of something else. I felt like I was going to go insane. I started to feel like I had a headache. I was starting to feel very relaxed and warm. The feeling was pretty intense, kind of trippy.

I started to feel very euphoric. I had a feeling like I had a very good trip or something. I felt like I was going to do something, like I was going to go to work or something else. I started to feel very happy. I was feeling really good. I had a feeling like I was going to have a great trip. I was feeling really extremely happy and happy that I was not having any trouble falling asleep and feeling great. I was feeling really good. I felt like I was going to go to sleep. I was feeling really happy.

I went to bed about 5am. I still felt like I was tripping pretty hard. I was sure I was going to have a dream or something. I felt like I was really tripping and I was really happy. I went to sleep and I woke up at 9am. I felt like I was tripping really hard. I didn’t feel like I had any pain or anything like that. I kind of felt like I was wearing some sort of harness like my hands were fastened to. I was feeling kind of really nice. I was feeling very giddy. I was talking to people and I was seeing all sorts of amazing things. I was seeing the beauty in everything. I was seeing the people I was with and the things I saw. I was seeing the world around me and all the people in it. It was kind of an amazing feeling.

I woke up at 10am and I felt really tired. I felt like I was going to sleep. I woke up at 11am feeling really groggy. I went to bed and I felt like I was going to sleep. I was really groggy and I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I woke up at noon feeling groggy, and I felt really groggy and groggy. I felt like I was going to have a really bad dream and I woke up at 8am feeling groggy and groggy. I felt like I was going to die and I woke up at 1pm feeling groggy and groggy. I felt really groggy and groggy. I stayed groggy and groggily for a while. I woke up at 9pm feeling groggy and groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily groggily

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