Trip Reports

Then he put the spoon upon me

I feel that this drug is very powerful and powerful. The feeling is like a very strong cannabis high, very deep and very euphoric. I have a hard time saying what I feel, but I feel that I am tripping hard. I can remember more than usual, but I don’t know what I am. I have some very vivid memories of this drug (I am guessing that it is not real, but it is something I want to remember), but I would never get out of the trip and I would not remember much. I felt like I was walking, and I don’t know what was at the beginning of my trip. At some point during the trip, I started to have a vision of myself with the lights on. I could see my body, but I could not see my face. I could not see my eyes, but I could see the various things that were around me. I feel that this drug is very powerful, but I would never forget what I felt. I have no idea if I was doing this drug or not, but I know that I am hallucinating, and I will never forget this.

I get some very vivid images, and I feel that my whole body feels very strange, like it is vibrating, but I can not bring it back to a normal position. I can’t see my face, but I can see my hands and feet. I am feeling very dizzy and my eyes are somewhat open. I have some very strong feelings of anxiety and it feels like I am losing my mind. It feels like I am sitting on a computer screen, and I feel like I am floating in space. I can barely understand what is going on, and I work my way through all the information that is going on, and it is very hard to remember what I am doing. I feel that I have lost everything I’ve ever held dear, and I don’t know what happened, but I feel like I have lost everything. I can live again, but I understand that I will never forget this because of the drug.

I try to go to sleep, but I cannot, and I have some really weird dreams. I wake up 6 or 7 times, and it feels like I have to go to the bathroom, and I have to move my head constantly, and I don’t know why. My vision is blurry, and I have a lot of trouble falling, but I am happy that I was able to have a dream, in which I had a lot of visions. I do not remember any of them, but I do know that I was very anxious and I kept changing my position, and when I was laying on the ground, my body felt very strong, and I fell over, and I was still so dizzy.

I think that it is very dangerous to try this drug. I know that I have to take more, but I have to do it. I have no idea what I feel, but I know that I can’t take this drug, and I am scared that I will forget this. I felt like I was on a long train ride, and I did not know how I got to the other side. I have no idea what I am, and I feel that this drug is very powerful. I have no idea if I am tripping or not, but I can’t remember anything. I feel that I am being watched by aliens, but I am not scared, and I feel that I am being watched by my own mind. I feel that I am being watched by my own brain, and I can’t remember anything. I am feeling very little, but I know that I am not tripping, and I am feeling very little. I feel that I am being watched by my own mind. I feel that I am watching my own mind. I have some very vivid dreams, and I have to go to bed very soon.

I was going to do a little research on the internet, so I decided to try a new drug. I had a few friends that were curious about it I met a few months ago. I was looking for a drug that would make me laugh, but I didn’t have a high tolerance to it. The guy that sold it to me said it was like cocaine, but with a little more euphoria.

The guy was selling it at the mall, and I thought it was good. I picked it up at the back of the store.

The guy told me to put the tiny amount in my mouth. I did. I had to hold the spoon down for as long as I could. He put a small amount of water in my mouth and I held it in.

Then he put the powder in my mouth and I swallowed. Then he put the spoon upon me. I felt it burn a little bit, so I took a big gulp. Then I felt a little bit of tension in my stomach, so I took some of my

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