Trip Reports

I felt like I was floating

I had always been very careful with the dosage of Naltrexone I had taken. I hadnt taken it for 2 years apart from two days last year. I had been prescribed 10mg to help with a couple of addictions on my way to rehab. I had been using it only once a week for 2 years. I was taking it 10 days a week on average.

I started taking it shortly after my last visit and I was feeling very good. I was having none of the opiate/opioid euphoria I normally get with my prescription. I would state that I was falling asleep the whole night and was almost back to my normal state, but I felt a heavy head rush and a slight diysmus. I was also experiencing a slight headache, which I attribute to the use of it.

During my last visit I went to the doctors and they prescribed me 100mgs a day from a drug called hydrocodone. I was prescribed 120mgs a day. I took a dose of 80mgs a day. I was prescribed a lot of hydrocodone, but I felt that it wasn’t working. I was also feeling really bad all the time, but I didn’t really notice it. I was also feeling really bad with the craving to do more. I was taking one more dose every 15 minutes because I couldn’t get any more.

I started taking it after my last visit. I was taking it 10 days per week on average. It was a very gentle to use, but it also made me feel really sick. I was getting a severe drip, which I attributed to not being able to drink the water. My breathing would sometimes be so shallow that I couldn’t see anything.

After my last visit, I started using it about every 3-4 days. I have had a few more trips, but I have never felt like I was addicted.

I guess I started taking it about 20-30 times a month, and I never felt like it. But I was getting more and more withdrawal. I was having 1-2 days where I would be woken up and just be in a room in a room. I was taking about 30mgs a day. I would have this whole day where I would be awake all night long. I went to bed at night and I would feel really tired after. I would have this horrible stomach ache. I felt really bad. I would have a bad trip which would be so bad that it would be so scary. It was very unpleasant and I couldn’t sleep at all. I would have a very scary anxiety attack. I would have all kinds of thoughts, all of them were very disturbing. I would be on and off for about 30 minutes at a time, then I would have to go to bed. I would have to go to the bathroom, and then I would be back to bed and I would still be tired. It was very intense. It was hard to sleep. I would have the most vivid dreams. I would have these scary visions of my being in a hospital, and I would have these visions of dying.

I would get these very vivid visions of people dying. I would even see people in hospital, and I would have the most vivid hallucinations. I would see a human, and then I would see a doctor. I would see a doctor, and then I would see a zombie. I would see a zombie, and then I would see a doctor. I would see an ambulance, and then I would see an ambulance. I would see a doctor and then I would see a nurse.

I would have many dreams, and they would be very interesting. I would have a dream where I would have a nurse in my room, and then I would wake up and go to bed. I would make my bed and then I would wake up and go to bed. I would get up and go to sleep. I went to bed in the morning and woke up feeling very groggy. I then went to bed and again woke up feeling groggy. I was so groggy. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I looked to the right and I looked to the left. I saw my face in the mirror. I felt like I was floating. I looked at my hand, and I felt like I was floating. I looked at my face in the mirror and I felt like I was floating. I looked at my hand again and I felt like I was floating. I looked at my hand again and I felt like I was floating. I looked at my hand again and I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating. I felt like I was floating

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