
911 Operator

Dear readers, it’s the first miracle of the year and probably proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is lovingly fondling us with its noodly appendage: a game developer has got a first aid kit right. I repeat: For what is probably the first time in 15 years, a game developer has managed to get a first aid kit right.

Look here, in this screenshot of 911 Operator, taken from Mack’s video on the same:


Look there on the right side, in “shops”. What do you see there in the fourth position? That’s right, a first aid kit. And what are the proper colors for first aid kits? Is it a white cross on red background? No! That’d be a Swiss flag. Is it a red cross on white background? No! That’d be the emblem of the International Committee of the Red Cross. What’s that you’re saying? White and green? That’s right!

White and green, my friends, white and green. This is bringing tears to my eyes. Jutsu Games, I must praise you. Praise Jutsu Games for something that most game developers find very hard to do: Picking the correct colors. And praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster for creating Jutsu Games.


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands

In this game, you play a group a soldiers trying to extract Swiss drug money from Bolivia. The money is in containers like this:


They made them red so they’re easier to spot and put Swiss flags on them so you don’t accidentally take some other country’s drug money. Thanks, Mack, for the video I stole this screenshot from.