
Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure

If you know this blog, you know that there is very little reason to praise game developers, since most of them get the first-aid kit colors wrong. But not this one. Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure by Prospect Games even uses correctly colored first-aid kits in this promo shot, look in the lower right corner:

They’re also that way in the game. Hats off to you, Prospect Games.


Wolfenstein: The New Order

This game isn’t from this year, but it’s this year’s second occasion for praise, and I only noticed it now. Look at that, a first-aid kit that has the correct colors:


Some developers are better than others. You, MachineGames, are better than most!


911 Operator

Dear readers, it’s the first miracle of the year and probably proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is lovingly fondling us with its noodly appendage: a game developer has got a first aid kit right. I repeat: For what is probably the first time in 15 years, a game developer has managed to get a first aid kit right.

Look here, in this screenshot of 911 Operator, taken from Mack’s video on the same:


Look there on the right side, in “shops”. What do you see there in the fourth position? That’s right, a first aid kit. And what are the proper colors for first aid kits? Is it a white cross on red background? No! That’d be a Swiss flag. Is it a red cross on white background? No! That’d be the emblem of the International Committee of the Red Cross. What’s that you’re saying? White and green? That’s right!

White and green, my friends, white and green. This is bringing tears to my eyes. Jutsu Games, I must praise you. Praise Jutsu Games for something that most game developers find very hard to do: Picking the correct colors. And praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster for creating Jutsu Games.


Party Hard

It’s a rare moment for praise! The game Party Hard not only does not have any Swiss crosses in it, it also puts the correct paramedic symbol on the side of the ambulance:


Awesome! So it is possible to do this right. All other game developers take note. I’m not happy about the Red Cross insignia on the roof, though. Is this a warzone? None of the parties I’ve been to were. But then, I don’t party hard.



My first praise! Usually I just give out blame, but the authors of PlanetBase did (at least partially) the right thing: They put a red cross in the medical section of bases built in their game. Visible here at 9:51:

Now of course they shouldn’t be using the Red Cross signet either. The Red Cross in fact urges video game developers not to use their insignia. So hurray for not using a Swiss flag, but boo for using the Red Cross emblem.